Just for Dan

Alright I finally got some stuff downloaded from Hawaii. This photo is of the Na Pali coast overlooking Kalalau beach. This was the highlight of our trip, we were able to ride a helicopter around the island of Kauai. It was breathtaking, there were times when I really felt physically overwhelmed by the extravagance of this place. It was so gorgeous. It was so much non-verbal communication from the creator of the whole place. Our trip was just incredible. I really did not want to come back.
Amazing! I loved Colleen's ponderings of how this trip to spoke to her of God's plan for us to be at rest with Him, in the garden of lovely peace and beauty that He created. Somehow, her heart and your pictures have reached into a place of my restlessness and touched me with desire (and permission) to more restfully walk with Him. Thank you. Love, Sherrie
This is a picture I took from our heliocopter trip.
more on non-verbals in the next post
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