
Thanksgiving is here! I love this, not just because of the opportunity to gormandize, but because of a great reminder to be thankful. I always think it is kind of corny when we go around in a circle as a family and say things we're thankful for, but we do it anyway and I like it. I like taking a moment and being thankful to the creator and sustainer of the universe for all the good gifts I have. My life is good, and I am even starting to have an attitude that is good even when circumstances are not all in order. I need to be reminded that I am not the sustainer of my universe, it's not my job. So, that leaves me to relax and enjoy my life, and to be thankful for the wonderful people in my life, the great things I see and hear every day and the way God is continually changing me to be like Jesus. I am a thankful man!
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