This Fall seems to be a crazy season. I've got so much going on with my work everything seems to be going great, yet it is a season where I am still trying to find out who I am and how I tick and how I relate and how I lead and stuff like that. In many ways I feel like a stanger in a strange land.
I think I would love to do that.
Breathing sounds good.
We've talked about coming there sometime too.
Chapters 29, 30, 31, and 32 of Purpose Driven Life might be really useful ... I love them!
God has a plan for your life and He designed you exactly for that plan and so He WANTS you to find out who you are and how you tick and how you relate. Where the five parts of your "SHAPE" (which Pastor Warren oulines) come together is what I call the sweet spot and once you find it, you won't be a stranger in a strange land.
For leading ... I think the best of the best of the best stuff is from Tim Elmore... were you at Grace when he was there? His 3-book Habitude series is AWESOME ... you can preview it http://www.growingleaders.com/jumpstart/html/swf/habitudes.swf
Taking an hour a day for each of the brief lessons and awesome studies will be well worth every minute you invest :~) It will answer the "how I lead" question and beyond that, it will give you great ideas for how you want to lead in the future.
Hope that helps! Love, Sherrie
You're right, there is many things going on in life. I [too] feel like my eyes are being opened and exposed to new light. New areas of faith. There is definately something to autumn, not one of death, but more of subtlety and quietness. But it doesn't seem to translate into real life...
p.s. Kara and I have united our blogs in "holy matrimony"
I wonder if the "fall" thing becomes a part of you because even though I am on the other side of the planet, I still go through that! There are seasons in our walks with Christ too, and in those seasons He brings about great change in our lives. Although it is hard those changes help us to grow in character.
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