New Stuff?
I was thinking that I needed to add something new to this here blog and I was stumped. It seesm that there are seasons where you aren't very inspired and life is just going along. That must be where I'm at. Just cruising along. I did have a great Valentines' day.
Here is a question for you that I have been wrestling with. I would be curious to get your feedback, as I think it is a foundational question to overall mission/purpose of Elevation. So here is the question:
Are we called to ministry, as believers, to a specific people or a specific place? Both have significant implications...
I'm interested in Ken's answer (of course :) ... but my 2 cents are that ...
I like how Pastor Warren addresses it in a Purpose Driven Life ~ we are called to ministry/service based on our SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart & passions, Abilities & talents, Personality, and Experiences).
I think for some people the calling will be specific people and for others it could be to specific places. However, I am inclined to think that for most people it happens to the people and place where you are (not always true of course).
According to Pastor Warren, the key is that we were designed for a purpose and to find our calling, we simply need to look to how God SHAPE'd us and then pursue it passionately. Much like an architect designs a building based on its purpose, so God planned our purpose then designed us uniquely to fulfill it.
Are you being called to minister to a specific people or a specific place? It probably has to do with the H part of your SHAPE ~ your Heart & passions ... Is there a people group or place which God has give you great passion for? For me, it's my family, friends of family, neighbors, and ministry collegues.
Check in with your heart filled with the Holy Spirit ~ my sense is that your answer awaits you there.
Just one gal's thoughts anyway :~)
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