Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I was just wondering the other day that if upwards of 75% of human communication is non-verbal, what does that mean for our prayer life. I would imagine that since we're created in the image of God maybe that's true of Him too. So maybe as we interact with regular daily life we non-verbally pray. Maybe much more oftener than we realize. For instance if we really do the "be still" thing, we actually speak volumes to God in a prayer of trust and such.


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Mellifluous said...

Too bad Niche to rich didn't just leave his spam comment non-verbal. If you turn on Word Verification, you won't get more spam.

God seems to send us all kinds of non-verbals...take for instance the mountains. They speak volumes! I'd never thought of it the other way around.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Ken said...

Thanks for the tip. I was thinking the same thing about the mountains and that's why I chose my picture of a sunrise from a hike Hannah and I took last month. The beauty of creation speaks to me. I just had not thought of it like this either.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Ken said...

speak to me, baby!


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