Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sin Constellation

Here's the exercise for Elevation - The Sin Constellation
We are going to make what I call a “sin constellation”. The constellation is an exercise to remember how deeply every one of us has been affected by the Fall. The Fall is our story too and we all have been born into a world where everyone has a condition or problem called sin. As well, each of us struggle with a unique group of sins. The sins that you have in your life are different than my life.

1. Don’t let anyone else see your list, until you get further instructions.
2. Read your list once a day. Pray over the list however you would like. Let the reality of it soak in. Write down what you think or feel when you read it or consider the list.
3. Bring it back next week.

Make Your Sin Constellation
When you recognize one that has ever been a part of your life in the past, list it on the outer parts of your page in lower case letters.
If it is a sin that still is part of your life list it in upper case letters near the center of the page. I actually have 45 sins listed on my list, 8 are in the center of my constellation.

vanity manipulation prejudice

rudeness MATERIALISM CURSING arrogance

name-calling jealousy adultery

Here's a list of some sin
Greed, gluttony, vanity, envy, lust, sloth, wrath, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, pride, materialism, jealousy, avarice, malice, prejudice, impatience, gossip, backbiting, manipulation, anger, meanness, belligerence, sarcasm, condescension, bitterness, belittling, bitchiness, teasing, name-calling, rudeness, controlling, bossyness, emasculation, revenge, tantrums, foolishness, abuse; physical, emotional or verbal, uncouth words, scoffing, scorn, unwholesome talk, cursing, sharp comments, stalking, dishonoring your parents, disobedience, rebellion to parents, disrespect to authority, arguing, fighting, arrogance, conceit, boasting, judgmental, offending, persecution, being a stumbling block, complaining, flattery, hate, holding a grudge, quarreling, tattle-tale, traitor, treachery, idolatry, workaholism, substance abuse, shopaholic, food as comfort, materialism, security in money, power hungry, overly competitive, gambling addiction, lying, masks, deceit, promise breaker, phoniness, covering up mistakes, showing off, posing, worried about what others think, not acknowledging wrongdoing, white lies, tax evasion, tax fraud, identity lies, bearing false witness, false accusations, unbelief, discord, corrupting innocence, vandalism, financial irresponsibility, divorce, lack of faith, fear, doubt, anxiety, worry, discontent, selfishness, self-promotion, selfish ambition, uncontrollable rage, life’s all about me, thinking you’re a god or goddess, laziness, murder, plotting someone’s demise, conspiracy, bribery, eavesdropping, busybody, lack of compassion, causing hurt, not serving, not responding to the HS direction, hardheartedness, condemnation, immorality, sensuality, sexual perversion, promiscuity, abortion, paying for an abortion, seduction, pornography, using sex as power, withholding sex for payback, frigidity, adultery, prostitution, voyeurism, extra or premarital sexual behavior, carousing, exhibitionism, homosexuality, sodomy, provocative clothing, entertaining lustful thoughts, transvestism, sexual abuse, rape, incest, lack of self-control, sorcery, drunkenness, stealing, shoplifting, swindling, music piracy, video piracy, embezzling, coveting, extortion, bullying, hazing, favoritism, evil, channeling spirits, witchcraft, occult, demonic activity, graven images, taking the name of God in vain, not keeping the Sabbath day, denying Christ, blasphemy, lack of forgiveness, strife, lukewarm living, kidnapping, just to name a few