Wednesday, September 28, 2005


For some reason I feel rather content. It feels good and I think maybe someone is praying for me. I like it. Sometimes it is like you lose your focus or center and so it is like going through your day like you have a flat tire or bent handlebars. But today it is as though an unseen force has intruded my life to make things ok. I know what/who the force is, but not too sure how it works. The interesting thing is that I don't feel like I made anything happen. That's why I think someone is praying for me.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Do you ever feel like there is so much you're responsible for and nothing you can do to make a difference? That's kind of what I'm feeling. I seem to have so much to do and I have a hard time relaxing. It seems like I can't get it right. I would love to be able to rest and trust that what I have to give is enough for right now. Jesus talked about how the sparrows and flowers don't toil, but life is provided for them. Something about a restful life sounds good right now.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


In a quest to find simplicity in my life, and even being able to discover the few things that I really can know, I am coming to the point where I am thinking that a life of following Jesus is a life of wrestling, and that with only two things. First, am I really going to live as thought Jesus is the only true source of life? (or am I going to contually pursue counterfeits that fool me to believing life is found in them? I've got my counterfeits, you have yours.) Second, am I really going to become a person whose life is defined by love? (That is, as Jesus defines it, giving up my life for others.)That's it. I don't think there is much else. I hope I struggle well in this life.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Worship Sells

It seems as though people in the marketing profession are really the most spiritually sensitive people in our culture. They know what we think brings us life. And so they dangle that "life-giving" thing in front of us, "If you have this you'll be a real/wonderful/strong/whole person" or "get this thingy and your life will be fun/exciting/meaningful/beautiful". And so most of us go with it because we've been trained to consume with out much thought. I think it because we worship without much thought. I'd call it worship because I think humans are designed to seek life and awe and meaning. If we don't take time to consider what we believe gives us life and then turn our affections toward something that really sucks out life rather than gives life, we become idolaters... and the marketers smile. What do you believe brings you life? Photo by

The Fall

I like the Fall. I love the coolness and the way that it makes me feel. It's not that I'm looking forward to the winter, that's not it. I just like the way it is today.