Monday, September 26, 2005


Do you ever feel like there is so much you're responsible for and nothing you can do to make a difference? That's kind of what I'm feeling. I seem to have so much to do and I have a hard time relaxing. It seems like I can't get it right. I would love to be able to rest and trust that what I have to give is enough for right now. Jesus talked about how the sparrows and flowers don't toil, but life is provided for them. Something about a restful life sounds good right now.


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Sherrie said...

Been there, done that, still wear the shirt on ocassion!! Best bet? Pray. Pick a partner. Go at it together.

In a little bit, the light ahead will seem once again to be the end of the tunnel rather than an oncoming train :-)

Love ya! Sherrie


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