What to Do?

So often there are times in life when you don't know what to do because you have conflicting messages coming your way. For instance this sign is by my church. At first glance you think it is a negative message because of the 'no left turn' sign below and so almost everyone wanting to take a right turn sits at the red light while a huge line forms. They are paralyzed by the sign which intends to let you know it's OK to take a right turn on red. During the holiday season they put up a temporary flashing lighted sign which says "Right turn on Red OK". People stop and still make a traffic jam because there is a mall nearby.
That is just like the concept of the law. Even when it is trying to be positive it is negative. It just does not release you to live freely. Grace on the other hand, seems to do much better at setting you free. I know in my own life there are many times when I feel restrained from action because something is nagging at me not to move because I might just screw up or be unacceptable if I blow it. That's not the way of grace. I'd like to live in the way of grace more fully.