Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Missional Community Shift

We are starting to make a shift in my community of faith. We have been really good, too good, at having really effective programs. The assumption is that we would attract people of all kinds to our place. This is a model that we have inherited and were doing without much thinking, kind of a default mode. So the conversation bagan as we assessed what was going on. We were attracting people, but they were all people transfering over from other churches, either because they were disgruntled consumers or relocating from another part of the country.
So our shift is from worrying about being "attractional" and having good programs, which has resulted in many people beoming disgruntled and becoming a transfer to a different church. We are starting to explore what it will take to become a "missional community". To me this means that we will challeneged to take the life of Jesus out to people around us. Rather than expecting them to come to us. I think it is a very profound shift. We'll see where this takes us.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Sara without an H said...

I am soooo excited with where the church is going to now. I am really excited to see what God does, I can't wait to see all the lost that he brings home to him. (or at least, on the road towards home.)

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

wow i looked into the how rick are you think and found out that my part time income was in the top 15% of the world

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Ryan said...


At 11:17 PM, Blogger Sherrie said...

i'm excited that we have leaders that think strategically (first the vision and mission, then how we get there) and are willing to do church a new a different way ~ thank you for that. we hosted our first missional community with youth from Ranch and Rock (or should I say Rock-and-Ranch 'cause it sounds better?) last night and already can see the excitement of what the future could hold. Let's pray for God's blessings on us as we reach out to others with eternal significance! Hallejuah and praise the lord!!


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