Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Non-verbals II

So the concept of how God speaks to us non-verbally is on my mind and some others so here's a previous post to read.

I was just wondering the other day that if upwards of 75% of human communication is non-verbal, what does that mean for our prayer life. I would imagine that since we're created in the image of God maybe that's true of Him too. So maybe as we interact with regular daily life we non-verbally pray. Maybe much more oftener than we realize. For instance if we really do the "be still" thing, we actually speak volumes to God in a prayer of trust and such.

Anyway, I really pondered this on my vacation. It seems that my responses really reveal to me what God may be trying to communicate to me when he speaks without words. When you're driving along and out of the corner of your eye, you see a rainbow in a canyon something speaks to you into your soul (that's this picture). My breath expands and I am in awe and something me hesitates and I know that life is really special and there is so much to it. It's the word transcendent, something is so much beyond me, something/someone so creative and beautiful and out there that all parts of me just seem to stop and go awwwwwe. The non-verbals speak to me deeply, but without words. I think it is God saying this is who I am, this is my art, this is my soul and I want to share it with you. Even since I've gotten back I have seen cool stuff that does this, its just that Kauai is condensed glory

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Just for Dan

Alright I finally got some stuff downloaded from Hawaii. This photo is of the Na Pali coast overlooking Kalalau beach. This was the highlight of our trip, we were able to ride a helicopter around the island of Kauai. It was breathtaking, there were times when I really felt physically overwhelmed by the extravagance of this place. It was so gorgeous. It was so much non-verbal communication from the creator of the whole place. Our trip was just incredible. I really did not want to come back.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Just got back from Kaua'i. I'll post some pics when I get them downloaded.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Moving Out

It seems like here in the USA it has become a faith that is secluded and turned inward, as though the church was meant to exist for the good of the people on the inside. I think Jesus had a different idea for his church. He meant us to be a blessing to all people, to take his life out to everyone. I'm not talking about evangelizing the world, I think Jesus would be ecstatic if we just loved people well. So, if you call yourself a follower of Jesus, consider being expansive and love the people around you!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Now for something really amazing

I am looking forward to seeing new things this year. I am anticipating viewing new mysteries and exploring new things. I hope that I am able to slow down a little and begin to enjoy some of the 'first things' a little more intentionally.